Retired Adventurers, Banshees, and the dangers of the Triboar Trail

Brief DM Summary:

Jig and Triactis had a chat with Sildar Hallwinter at the Stonehill Inn. He offers 500 gold to the group if they sort out what's going on at Cragmaw Castle and take care of the goblin problem (and find out what happened to Gundren). He also discusses another matter with them privately.

Ashildr soon joins the group at the bar and has a chat with Daran Edermath when he comes in. The retired elven adventurer tells her about reports of undead coming out of the area around Old Owl Well and gives her a bit of history -- he's concerned that something untoward is going on there and is hoping the fine adventurers he's been hearing about can go take a look if they are out that way. He's happy to see the changes already coming about in town after the removal of the Redbrands.

Ashildr, Triactis and Jig head off to visit Agatha the banshee to see if they can get an answer to Sister Garaele's question about Bowgentle's lost spellbook. On the way through the ruins of Conyberry, they run into an owl bear but are able to take care of it with little fuss (with some help from Billykin the Sprite and Charlie Moorgrim, a dwarf friend of Jig's from her old hometown). Ashildr even discovers an interesting nightcap in the ruins of an old bedroom.

Agatha is at first very touchy and reluctant to chat, but Jig, with the help of the nightcap Ashildr found, manages to charm her. She even offers them some tea. They manage to find out what Agatha knows about the spellbook. Triactis even plays the harp for her and that, combined with the (this time) successful gifting of the silver comb and more flattery, gives them a bit more information -- the location of Wave Echo Cave. But Agatha grows tired of their visit...though she says she might welcome them to tea again...if they bring suitable gifts.

They leave and are almost back to Phandalin when they stumble across a very badly concealed trio of would-be robber hobgoblins. It doesn't take much to beat them into submission and they even get a little bit of coin out of it.

Once back in town, they immediately visit the Sister and give her Agatha's answer. She thanks them profusely and hands over 3 healing potions. Ashildr, praying at the shrine over a broken locket she had found in the ruins, discovers something.


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