Ashildr's Dream

Ashildr climbed into the ox cart and settled down to wait for the others to return. The battle with the goblins had been short but bloody -- or, more properly, very goblin bits-y. But now the sun was shining and the day looked clear and bright. It wasn't long before she fell asleep. 

As she slept, she dreamed...

She was seated in front of a familiar fireplace. Home. The smell of roasting meat permeated the room and she heard the sizzling of fat as it dripped off the spit and onto the coals below. And next to her -- Mam, her wild hair half-tamed and her tusks gleaming in the firelight. "Ashildr," said her mother in the dream, "you are almost ready. I can sense the power in you. You make me proud, my child. Soon, soon you can claim your birthright." Ashildr reached out a hand to her mother, but wispy smoke swirled into her eyes and she blinked back tears.

She awoke, the smell of smoke still in her nose, her mind on the leather pouch that she always carried with her.


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