On the Road to Wyrmspine...

(DM Summary) Sherick, an Aasimar Cleric, had recently traveled to Neverwinter after drifting somewhat aimlessly for a time. One morning, she awoke from a vision, a breathy voice still echoing in her head: 

"Your journey begins under the Wyrm's spine. Find the dwarf, but only when you are ready." 

After asking around & listening for any mentions of wyrms or dragons, she met a young half-elf bard named Triactis who was on his way to a tavern he frequented just south of Neverwinter called the Wyrmspine Tavern. She's not entirely sure if this is the place she is meant to go, but she thinks it is worth a look.

She and Triactis departed for Wyrmspine, but along the way they ran into a couple of Twig Blights, which they handily dispatched without much trouble. But as they traveled farther down the road, they came across a body covered in spider webs. Before they had time to check for a pulse, a Giant Spider leapt out of a nearby tree and attacked them.

It was a brief battle, but almost deadly, as Triactis took a fair bit of damage from the spider before they were able to kill it. The poor unfortunate soul, however, was already dead, so they pocketed the bit of gold they found in the man's pockets and made the rest of the way to the tavern without incident.

Triactis was greeted warmly, especially by Trimble the Bartender.

(300 xp total; 150 each to Sherick & Triactis)


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