Wolves, Skeletons & Dead Bards, Oh my!

(DM Summary) After getting rid of the rats and the giant spider and spending some time carousing (which Jig put to good use in helping the lonely Bark Shinbone sort out his love life), everyone retires to their (free!) room to get a good night’s sleep and have a long rest (except for Arianwen, who has a brief midnight wander through the city streets).

 The next morning you awake to a filling (also free) breakfast…

A dwarf, who has spent most of his time in the Wyrmspine sitting at a corner table with an experienced looking human fighter, approaches you.

“Heya! I’m Gundren. Gundren Rockseeker. I been watchin’ yer exploits here and I think yer just the kind of folk we need, me and Sildar.” He nods towards Sildar, who nods back affirmatively.

“It’s a simple enough job—just a delivery to Phandalin—but once yer there, we might have some more work for ye.” He grins broadly and rubs his hands together. “Me and me brothers…we’re workin’ on somethin’ big, ye see. Verrrry big!”

“Anyway, we’ll pay ye 10 gold each to deliver a wagon of supplies to old Elmar Barthen down at Barthen’s Provisions in Phandalin. Are ye up for it?”

“Me and Sildar here need to go on up ahead to take care of some business first. Ye can take yer time with the wagon if ye like, but it’d be best if ye can be there within the tenday. Should only take ye a couple of days to get there from here.”

"So, whaddaya think?"

After some negotiation (Jig manages to wrangle 10gp up front), the party agrees. 

Unwin, overhearing the conversation (or, more likely, eavesdropping), comes over. "Hello there, all. I see you'll be taking on that job for Gundren then? Good, good. Though I've got a job for you before you go, if you like."

“I do hate to trouble you, but you’ve been so helpful so far. The bard that was scheduled to play here at the Wyrmspine tonight was due yesterday and has not yet arrived. He was supposed to come in via the road to the south along with his assistant. I don’t suppose you could possibly check on him?” He motions over to the small stage. You notice a piano has been made ready.

"Well, I'm hoping you could see if you could find him, if that's okay. He's my sister's aunt's cousin's boy, you see."

The party investigates and discovers the (sadly) dead bard had been waylaid by a pack of wolves. After dispatching them, they return to the Wyrmspine to give the bad news to Unwin. Trimble the bartender makes everyone a round of drinks and they toast to the poor unfortunate bard, especially Jig. 

Then Unwin asks if they'd like to help with one last thing...

“You’ve proven yourselves handy at sorting out problems. I was wondering if you’d like to take care of another one for me? You might have noticed that all the storerooms to the east have been barred off. You see, we recently had a guest stay with us. Seemed a lovely man at first and definitely he had gold enough…but it turns out he was a necromancer. I had to kick him out after he started conducting some…experiments. I haven’t had time to deal with the mess he left behind. If you’d like to take care of it, I’ll be very grateful. In fact, the Wyrmspine Tavern will be glad to have you as guests free of charge for life! Plus 200 gold to split between you. Also, you’re welcome to keep anything else the nasty fellow left behind. Not sure if there’s anything useful, but there you go. You never know unless you look!”

They successfully combat the menace and find all manner of things left behind by the necromancer. Unwin gratefully invites them to stay for free at the tavern any time they wish and hands over the 200gp.


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