A Walk at Night

(DM Summary) Unable to sleep after all the carousing and celebration, Arianwen decides to clear her head by taking a wander outside in the night air. Pili Pala comes along, loathe to let her druid friend out on her own late at night on the city streets.

The streets are quiet and deserted. As Arianwen walks, she hears some snoring from a house nearby but otherwise, all is very quiet. Maybe too quiet? The druid listens closely.

She doesn't see anything, but she does hear a scuffle of feet against the stone pavement to the east, perhaps around the corner of the house.

As Arianwen turns in that direction, the noise stills, rather like someone is trying to be quiet.

Curious, the druid and Pili Pala continue in the direction of the noise. A hooded figure steps out of the shadows.

"Heya," says the woman with a grin, "You're out awfully late." It's hard to make out her face under the cover of her dark cloak. 

"My sprite likes late night walks," says Arianwen politely.

"Cute little bugger," says the woman. She steps closer.

Arianwen tries to determine whether or not the woman has unfriendly intentions but isn't sure. A dark shadow from the house makes her difficult to see.

"You look a might fancy for this neighbourhood," the woman says. "You staying at the Wyrmspine?"

"Yes. With a big group of friends who will be coming to see where I am quite soon," says Arianwen confidently.

That seems to take the woman aback and she halts her forward movement. "Is that so?" The woman takes a good look around and cocks her head like she's listening. "I don't hear any footsteps," she says. "Mebbe you don't got any friends." She pulls out a club from under her robe. "But you's do look like you've got some coin, so hand it over."

 Unsurprised at this sudden turn of events, Arianwen swiftly moves a few paces away and takes aim with her shortbow. Her arrow flies swift and true, straight into the heart of the thief. The woman falls to the ground, her death so sudden that she doesn't even cry out.

Arianwen quickly searches the body, finding 8 gold, and pockets it. She leaves behind the club and she and Pili Pala rush back to the Wyrmspine Inn. The city streets still seem quiet. No one seems to have noticed the small drama that had unfolded.


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