No More Hideaway...

 [DM Summary]

With Droop's help, the players free the captives (The Woodcutter's Family), Kill Glasstaff & discover his true identity (Iarno Albreck, the missing wizard Sildar was looking for), and kill all of the remaining Redbrand Ruffians. Arianwen and Pili Pala take the prisoners back right away, which cheers everyone in the village. Following behind soon after, Ashildr, Ossian, Triactis, Jig, and Sherick even take a pile of the red cloaks back with them and start a bonfire outside the Stonehill Inn, where all the villagers celebrate. Sildar is upset at Iarno's treachery, but rewards the players for their part in bringing him to justice. He plans on staying on and taking Iarno's place -- that is, the job that Iarno was supposed to have done -- helping Phandalin become a safe place to live again.

Afterwards, they visit The Shrine of Luck and meet Sister Garaele of the hard to pronounce name. She asks if they'd be able to convince a banshee named Agatha to tell what she knows about the location of a spellbook that once belonged to the legendary mage Bowgentle. She gives them a jewelled silver comb for you to give to Agatha, warning that the banshee seems to be a vain creature and did not respond well before when she tried a forceful approach. She gives the location of Conyberry and Agatha's Lair. She offers 3 healing potions for this service.


Afterword: The next morning, the three bugbears awake after the best night's sleep they'd had in a long time. Mosk, the leader, unlocks the door and steps out into the very quiet hideout...and onto the corpse of a Redbrand Ruffian you'd left right outside the door. He shouts in alarm; but it is too late. Everywhere they look they find corpses. The only things left "alive" are...a couple of undead (the three skeletons in the crypt). They grab some of the supplies and weapons from the armoury and set off to report to Black Spider, though they aren't sure how they're going to explain why they're still alive...


Important Finds:

A letter from the Black Spider to Glasstaff (Iarno):

Lord Albrek,
My spies in Neverwinter tell me that strangers are due to arrive in Phandalin. They could be working for the dwarves. Capture them if you can, kill them if you must, but don’t allow them to upset our plans. See that any dwarven maps in their possession are delivered to me with haste.
I’m counting on you, Iarno. Don’t disappoint me.

Among the books is a tome written in Dwarvish. The journal of an adventurer named Urmon, it describes the history of the Lost Mine of Phandelver and the Forge of Spells. In addition, Urmon records that a magic mace named Lightbringer was commissioned by priests of Lathander, the god of dawn, from the mages working with the gnomes and dwarves of the Phandelver's Pact. The mace was lost when Wave Echo Cave and its mine vanished from history.

More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver's Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin (pronounced fan-duh-lin) prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path.

A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked Wave Echo Cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost.

Treasure Gained:

  • Waterproof Satchel containing a potion of healing, a potion of invisibility, 50 gp, and a clean set of ordinary travel clothing.
  • 3 belt pouches holding treasure. The first holds 16 sp and 7 gp; the second, 12 sp and 5 gp; and the third, 15 ep and two garnets (10 gp each). [One was given to Droop; I don't know which one]
  • 3 platinum signet rings (50 gp)
  • The weapon racks hold twelve spears, six shortswords, four longswords, six light crossbows, and eight quivers holding twenty crossbow bolts each. [I think just Jig took a light crossbow + a quiver]
  • thirty beaver pelts (2 gp each)
  • LAST SESSION: The nothic's chest contains 160 sp, 120 gp, five malachite gems (15 gp each), two potions of healing, and a scroll of augury, +1 longsword "Talon" in a silver chased scabbard [Including here as I don't think you've split it up yet]
  • Card Table winnings: 75 cp, 55 sp, 22 ep, 15 gp, and a gold earring set with a tiny ruby (30 gp)
  • three small bottles hold rare reagents: mercury, dragon bile, and powdered nightshade. These are worth 25 gp each to an apothecary or alchemist.
  • Iarno's Loot: 180 sp, 130 gp, and a silk pouch containing five carnelians (10 gp each), two peridots (15 gp each), and one pearl (100 gp). It also contains two magic items that Iarno brought with him from Neverwinter: a scroll of charm person and a scroll of fireball. And a Staff of Defense
  • 200 gold from Sildar Hallwinter for uncovering Iarno's whereabouts/deception
  • 200 gold from Halia Thornton for getting rid of the Redbrands (She wants to have a discussion with Jig about this)

Staff of Defense

This slender, hollow staff is made of glass yet is as strong as oak. It weighs 3 pounds. You must be attuned to the staff to gain its benefits and cast its spells.

While holding the staff, you have a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

The staff has 10 charges, which are used to fuel the spells within it. With the staff in hand, you can use your action to cast one of the following spells from the staff if the spell is on your class's spell list: mage armor (1 charge) or shield (2 charges). No components are required.

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges each day at dawn. If you expend the staff's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff shatters and is destroyed.

(900 xp total for 180 xp each for the 5 PCs)


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