Yeemik's Worst Nightmare & Arrival in Phandalin
Brief DM Summary : After a short rest, Arianwen sent Pili Pala to collect Ashildr & ask her to move the ox cart as close as possible so that the stolen Lionshield Coster supplies could be loaded on board. While the druid kept herself busy loading the cart, everyone else explored the last bit of Cragmaw Hideout. They soon discovered the goblin's kitchen (if it could be called that). While they didn't manage to surprise the goblins inside, Sherick's blinding radiance took all but one out in one brilliant glow. Yeemik, the last remaining goblin, attempted to bargain with Sildar's life, for the Lords Alliance member was there and just barely clinging to consciousness. Cowed by both the light and Triactis, as well as the dragonborn looming over him, he spills everything he knows and even translates the note that Jig had found: King Grol, the goblin king, had sent instructions to Klarg for the clan to be on the lookout for Gundren Rockseeker the dwarf. Once found, they w...