The Triboar Trail & Cragmaw Hideout
DM Summary : The rest of Gundren's supplies had arrived and been loaded onto the wagon. Yulia, feeling unsure of herself and having found a menter in the Archmage Unwin, decides to stay on at the Wyrmspine to see if she can learn more from the master before venturing out into the wilds of the Swordcoast. Before everyone else leaves to travel on to Phandalin, Unwin pulls Ossian aside: "You're a Firebrand, aren't you? I met one of your kin once, many years ago. I've heard rumours that the family sword was misplaced. If that's true, I advise you to seek out the druid near Phandalin. He might have some good news for you." With Triactis driving the wagon, since he had been to Phandalin before (the Stonehill Inn was one of his regular stops), they left. The trip was uneventful along the High Road, but after they had turned off onto the Triboar Trail and come around a bend, they spotted two dead horses in the road, riddled with arrows. The saddlebags had been loo...
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