Current Rumours & Quests

 The following are the current jobs and quests and locations the players have knowledge of:

  • Shrine of Luck Quest from Sister Garaele -- find out the location of Bowgentle's spellbook from Agatha, a banshee (Agatha's Lair, Near Conybery)
  • The Ruins of Thundertree, known to have been once overrun with undead. You know from Qelline that this is where Reidoth the Druid lives (who is reputed to know the location of Ossian's Family Sword) and, from the woman you saved from the Redbrand Hideout, you know there is a valuable emerald necklace there.
  • Orcs at Wyvern Tor, Harbin Wester the Townmaster offers 100 gold to the group that takes care of this problem
  • Cragmaw Castle -- you know this is where Gundren Rockseeker was taken as well as his map to the location of Wave Echo Cave [ahem YOU MIGHT WANT TO TALK TO SILDAR ABOUT THIS]
  • Halia Thornton, who soon learns of your victory over the Redbrands as all of Phandalin is celebrating, sends a note that she'd like Jig to come pick up the 200 gold reward money so she can have a word with her.
Places in town you have not yet visited:
  • Edermath Orchard (which I have been mispronouncing this whole time, because I thought it was ELDERmath), run by retired elven adventurer Daran Edermath (you've been told about him by a few people at Stonehill Pub)
Phandalin is starting to look like a town with a new lease on life, now that the Redbrands are gone...


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