
Showing posts from April, 2021

Wolves, Skeletons & Dead Bards, Oh my!

(DM Summary) After getting rid of the rats and the giant spider and spending some time carousing (which Jig put to good use in helping the lonely Bark Shinbone sort out his love life), everyone retires to their (free!) room to get a good night’s sleep and have a long rest (except for Arianwen, who has a brief midnight wander through the city streets).  The next morning you awake to a filling (also free) breakfast… A dwarf, who has spent most of his time in the Wyrmspine sitting at a corner table with an experienced looking human fighter, approaches you. “Heya! I’m Gundren. Gundren Rockseeker. I been watchin’ yer exploits here and I think yer just the kind of folk we need, me and Sildar.” He nods towards Sildar, who nods back affirmatively. “It’s a simple enough job—just a delivery to Phandalin—but once yer there, we might have some more work for ye.” He grins broadly and rubs his hands together. “Me and me brothers…we’re workin’ on somethin’ big, ye see. Verrrry big!” “Anyway, we’l...

A Walk at Night

(DM Summary) Unable to sleep after all the carousing and celebration, Arianwen decides to clear her head by taking a wander outside in the night air. Pili Pala comes along, loathe to let her druid friend out on her own late at night on the city streets. The streets are quiet and deserted. As Arianwen walks, she hears some snoring from a house nearby but otherwise, all is very quiet. Maybe too quiet? The druid listens closely. She doesn't see anything, but she does hear a scuffle of feet against the stone pavement to the east, perhaps around the corner of the house. As Arianwen turns in that direction, the noise stills, rather like someone is trying to be quiet. Curious, the druid and Pili Pala continue in the direction of the noise. A hooded figure steps out of the shadows. "Heya," says the woman with a grin, "You're out awfully late." It's hard to make out her face under the cover of her dark cloak.  "My sprite likes late night walks," says Ar...

Everyone Needs Love

(Jig's Account, +75 xp) Bark Shinbone, a Half-Orc of few words but a lot of heart. Vaulting up on to a bar stool with surprising agility, Jig accepted a mug of foaming Dwarven ale from Bark who looked grimly ahead. Perhaps helping him wasn’t going to be within her purview after all.  “So, what brings you here?” she asked, when what she actually meant was “Why am I here, and just where are all the exits, because you look like you’d turn mean faster than a copper piece flips,” as she eyed the scars criss-crossing Bark’s broad arms. “You good with words, yes?" “Indubitably, it is true. I mean, yes, yes I am," Jig said, a tiny balloon of pride rising inside, then bursting into flames when she recognised that Bark seemed to have issues with words of more than two syllables.   “Bark need help."  He pointed to the yellowed parchment posted above the bar. "Someone good with word." Jig sidled in closer, and kept her voice low.  “Tell me more. Is it something dangero...

The Accidental Formation of a Party

(Sherick's Account, +75xp) It was a typical day at the Wyrmspine Tavern. Unwin Inkwell welcomed all of the guests while his granddaughter Wylla took orders around the room. The bald and rather scarred Trimble was tending the bar. There is a message board above the bar with 2 notes: • Bartender Challenge: Make Me Laugh! I dare you! • Exterminator Help Wanted – Please see Bartender or Wylla Inkwell  A small half dwarf/half elf patron named Triactis notices the messages and tells Trimble a joke, the first one landed flat but he tried again and got a belly laugh this time. Triactis downs the drink and finds himself feeling fleet of foot. About the same time Wylla yells out "Who here wants to help exterminate a few wee beasties!" A few patrons gather around and Wylla continues, “We’re having a bit of a rat infestation in the storerooms. Not sure how many are in there, but if you kill them, I’ll be more than happy to pay you 100 gold for your trouble. Or, if you’re not need...

On the Road to Wyrmspine...

(DM Summary) Sherick , an Aasimar Cleric, had recently traveled to Neverwinter after drifting somewhat aimlessly for a time. One morning, she awoke from a vision, a breathy voice still echoing in her head:  "Your journey begins under the Wyrm's spine. Find the dwarf, but only when you are ready."  After asking around & listening for any mentions of wyrms or dragons, she met a young half-elf bard named Triactis who was on his way to a tavern he frequented just south of Neverwinter called the Wyrmspine Tavern. She's not entirely sure if this is the place she is meant to go, but she thinks it is worth a look. She and Triactis departed for Wyrmspine, but along the way they ran into a couple of Twig Blights, which they handily dispatched without much trouble. But as they traveled farther down the road, they came across a body covered in spider webs. Before they had time to check for a pulse, a Giant Spider leapt out of a nearby tree and attacked them. It was a brief b...